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Wednesday, 4 February 2009

How to Massage Your Baby

Giving Your Infant A Massage Helps Reduce Crying And Boosts Your Baby's Development. . .

You've probably heard it said that all babies need touch to feel safe and loved. This need for touch begins at the moment of birth and is essential for normal growth and development. In fact, touch is the only one of the five "far senses" we can't live without.

The types of touch your baby needs include simple caresses and hugs to babywearing and infant massage.

Beginning with the act of birth, a baby's life can be stressful (think about vaccines, heel sticks and all those diaper changes!)

Massage is one way to give your baby, and you, a calming experience. Plus, you can teach your baby how to relax his or her body when faced with stress.

There Are Many Reasons To Give Your Baby A Massage

• Less Crying - Babies who are touched more usually cry less. "The desire to be close to one another is the same whether you're a mother in a hut in Africa or a high rise in New York," says Vimala Schneider McClure, well-known authority on infant massage.

• Smarter - Soothing touch is strongly connected to your baby's intellectual development.

• More Bonding - Massage brings you closer to your baby and helps you feel more confident as a parent. You get to know your baby's body language and your baby begins to understand what healthy touch is all about.

• Gas Relief - Your baby should have less gas and burping when massaged on a regular basis. This is especially important for colicky infants.

• Good For Preemies - Massaged premature babies gain more weight and are more active & responsive than premature babies who are not massaged. Their nervous systems also mature faster, so baby's brain and body communicate better.

• More Cooperative & Compassionate -- Studies across various cultures show that in societies where the infants are held, massaged, rocked, breastfed and carried, the children grow up to be less aggressive and violent. In fact, they are more cooperative and compassionate.

I first became interested in infant massage when my son and I took a class with other moms & babies. We both enjoyed the experience so much that I was "hooked" and proceeded to make massage a daily tradition.

Some Tips To Get You Started. . .

1. Choose a warm & quiet place and put on some relaxing music, if you'd like.

2. Gather a soft towel, oil (cold-pressed fruit or canola is best) and a few wet wipes.

3. Lay your baby on the towel and relax & breathe deeply as you remove your baby's clothing.

4. Oil your palms and rub together to warm them.

5. Show your palms to your baby and ask permission to begin ("It's time for a massage. May I massage you now?")

While an official class is a great way to see demonstrations of the actual techniques, it's also possible to learn from a good book, like Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving Parents by Vimala Schneider McClure.

Here Are Several Strokes & Gentle Movements From The Book. . .

• "Squeeze and Twist" for baby's legs: Hold each leg as if you were holding a baseball bat-one hand above the other. Move hands up the leg together while squeezing slightly and turning in opposite directions.

• "Water Wheel" for baby's stomach: Lightly stroke down the tummy, one hand following the other.

• Technique for hands: Open baby's hands with your thumbs. Roll each tiny finger between your index finger and thumb. Stroke the top of each hand. Massage each wrist, making small circles all around it.

• "Open Book" for the chest: With both hands together at the center of the chest, push out to the sides, following the rib cage. Almost like you are flattening the pages of a book.

Remember to perform each of the above techniques gently and consciously, as babies are quite delicate! Your strokes should be soft and gentle.

Also, no matter what strokes you use, it's your whole attitude that's important. Enjoy this special time with your baby.

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